I attended a fly-in a month back and on one of the extra warm afternoons when all the pilots were studying NOTAMS and PIREPS (with their eyes closed), and flying had slowed to an imperceptible crawl, a good friend with keys to the hangars showed me where some of the treasures had been hidden. Some of them are being ‘tweaked’ to the “nth” degree by experts at restoration, and some are in various stages of other refinement? Either way, I think they’re worthy of your viewing?
I’d been waiting for inside information on some of these ‘special’ aircraft before sending these three emails but it doesn’t appear to be forthcoming, so here goes?
HOLBROOK, Ariz. — “John Denver’s 1931 Waco biplane, caught by a gust of wind, crashed on landing at the Holbrook Airport, but the singer walked away unhurt, police said today. Denver’s vintage airplane sustained “extensive damage” in the crash Thursday, but the entertainer did not need medical treatment, Police Chief Lester James said.”
After it’s restoration, another man lost his life in it and it was totally restored a second time.

The “ding-a-ling” sound (from waaay back then) was heard around parks and some sporting events etc. If you can remember how these bells sounded, you’re in trouble cause you must be damn near as old as me?
I hope you like these pictures as much as I enjoyed the grand opportunity to be there and take them!